Everytime I see a bookstore or library with stacks and stacks of books, I feel excited and lost at the same time. I just want to disappear into a corner there and sit and read for hours on end. And then when I see people reading or discussing or just plain carrying books to read or even book reviews in newspapers, I get that feeling. Wanting to disappear into a corner… But then, when there is so much to read all over the place, where does one start ? When time is at a premium and I am doing all kinds of circus to squeeze in some time here and there, do I wait for a book to call out to me ? I cannot afford to do that. Instead what should I do ?
I did some research, some trials and found these steps. No rocket science this - but these worked for me. And, if you were to pay it some attention and tweak it as you want, this is bound to work for you too.
Whether it is fiction/non fiction/self help/ biography, these tips will help you.
Get hold of not one, but 3 books that interest you, of medium size. You may find this around your house or ask your friend/neighbour.
Continue the format you are used to whether it is physical book, ebook or audio book - don’t try to change the format, yet.
Go to the nearest book store or library just to look for books. Or visit goodreads website where you could potentially look at what your friends are reading!
You don’t have to finish every book you start reading - Have multiple books as a choice with you - if you are not able to progress on one book, pick up another.
Keep a Books to Read list and it important to keep this list handy.
After you finish 3 books, reach out to friends(not just one friend) you know who read a lot and ask them to recommend a book or two.
Are you interested in more details on these tips ? And the circus of finding time to read ?Suggest you listen to this episode of New Indian Woman.
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We examine practical and simple steps you can try regardless of your age and profile. If you are new to reading, then, this is the time to start.