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Balancing Work and Home when you are not so young


In Part 1, we examined challenges faced by young Indian women w.r.t balancing work and home. What about older women ? What kind of challenges do they face ? Does it get easier as the children grow up and one is more comfortable or experienced in handling the responsibilities at home ? But what about the increased responsibilities on the career front ? How does the balancing work ?

Are there ways to address some of the challenges ? Are there learnings that one can use in one's own context ? Listen on ..

What the New Indian Woman podcast is about

As you may already be aware, this podcast has 2 focus areas. One, We examine the challenges faced by today's Indian woman and propose ACTIONABLE strategies in the Indian context, on a wide variety of topics - right from identifying their passion to better productivity and parenting. Second, we meet women who chose to aspire or have a dream beyond their defined roles and facilitate sharing of what worked and what didn’t, for them. Today's episode falls in the first category.

And in the process, my aim is to help you, The New Indian woman, to realize your potential, chase your dreams and aspirations, utilize the wonderful opportunities available in today's world.

What's in this episode:

In this episode also, there are 3 questions I focus on, with both the guests, as relevant. What are the top 3 things they do to manage work and home well as a woman, their top productivity tip and about child care options.

Our guest who is a lecturer in an engineering college, talks about the need to be systematic and well organized. Later we delve into the details of what this means, from a day to day perspective. She talks about the importance of spending time with the family and seeking their support. She also goes into how simple and small steps can make a huge difference in our quality of daily life.

Her top productivity tip is not any specific tool - but about the mind. And how to change your guilt feeling about not spending enough time with the family.

She shares how the demands of the time only increase when the children grow older. She then goes on to talk about the importance of not being in separate worlds!

We discuss the child care options or the lack of them and here she shares the struggles she went through and what worked for her and how she had to adapt continuously to cater to the child care situation.

She talks about the importance of understanding if the workplace environment is hostile, telling us there are lot of opportunities if one is intelligent and competent enough.

She goes on to share more details of the kind of challenges she went through and how she had to take professional help. She says the advice that helped her the most is about the need to accept that one cannot change others.

She stresses the importance of self-care, open communication and the need to adapt and accept things with more maturity. Plus, identifying where one needs help and then asking for the same.

Then, we move on to someone who is working in a senior position in IT with a son in college. To the same questions, her response is about support system, importance of nurturing ourselves and to keep learning always. Her productivity tip is again very different and it is all around the awareness of what works best for oneself.

On child care, she shares how it is important to work towards building a support system. I cannot agree more when she says, it will not come and sit in your life.

It was interesting to also hear about their take on the guilty feeling that moms who are pursuing careers often go through.

These discussions are intended to let us understand and appreciate these perspectives. Plus, these should be prompts for us to examine our own challenges.

Hope you enjoy this episode. Please write to me at or reach out to our social media pages to share your views on this episode.

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