#NewIndianWoman #podcast sharing techniques that worked for the host for improving focus, #findingfocus, #pomodoro, #focus

Is finding focus all about removing distractions from life ? Is that practical ?
Do we even need to focus and why ?
Once we decide to focus, how do we do it ? There are many techniques and we explore one such technique called Pomodoro. Not a fancy technique, it is really simple, but a challenging one. Even if you have used this technique and you concluded this will not work for you, I request you to listen to this episode.
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What the New Indian Woman podcast is about
As you may already be aware, this podcast has 2 focus areas. One, We examine the challenges faced by today's Indian woman and propose ACTIONABLE strategies in the Indian context, on a wide variety of topics - right from identifying their passion to better productivity and parenting. Second, we meet women who chose to aspire or have a dream beyond their defined roles and facilitate sharing of what worked and what didn’t, for them. Today's episode falls in the first category.
And in the process, my aim is to help you, The New Indian woman, to realize your potential, chase your dreams and aspirations, utilize the wonderful opportunities available in today's world.
What's in this episode:
We cover the following important points on focus.
Why focus is a foundational aspect of our life ?
Does inspiration really come from chaos ? Refer to the episodes with Bindumalini where we discuss this - Part 1 and Part 2 - https://www.thenewindianwoman.com/podcast/episode/2ca5cab1/chat-with-the-renowned-musician-bindhumalini-part-1-episode-37, https://www.thenewindianwoman.com/podcast/episode/2c31bd18/chat-with-the-renowned-musician-bindhumalini-part-2-episode-38
Impact of not having focus - many of us may be able to relate to this. But scientific research also points to these negative impacts
What can we do about finding focus ?
Step by step instructions on trying out Pomodoro technique - how I struggled with it and how it helped me. The free timer I use - https://pomodor.app/timer
And once you listen to this episode, I encourage you to share this with all the people who you interact with, over emails. And if you would like to share your own story on improving focus or would like to seek specific inputs, do reach out to me by writing to krishna@thenewindianwoman.com.
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