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Reimagining Festivals


Updated: Sep 19, 2021

Welcome to a chat on looking at festivals, the need to reimagine and adapt them to today's context. I invite you to this chat with my friend Srividya where we explore our memories of festivals, what they mean to us and how we can play a role in creating memories for our children and enjoy it differently.

Does this mean we stop celebrating our traditional festivals ? Definitely not. Don’t we have enough festivals to start thinking about new ones ? Do they sometimes feel as a burden for the busy Indian woman ? Do they sometimes feel just a ritual, having lost their meaning ? How to make sure festivals help us find the laughter, fun, love, sharing and gratitude in today's context ?

If these are the questions in your mind, you would love this chitchat. You may get some ideas to try out with your family. And of course, we are waiting to hear your ideas on this topic.

Listen on ..

What's in this episode:

My friend Srividya and me relive an earlier chat we had on this topic of festivals. We start with the intent of festivals and what comes to our mind. We look at whether it means the same for our children.

What about the smaller festivals for which we may not know the meaning ? We then discuss the feedback from children on festivals - these sure are pointers for you to have such a discussion at home.

We explore the concept of picking up a new "festival" or "special day" to try out or reimagine. We discuss examples of trying this out instead of the routine shopping as per the various festival sales or eating out. Or, doing these itself in a different way.

We then move on gifting, connecting across generations and even playing games as a family. And of course, exploring interesting outings. Plus, we look at doing something over a long period of time, questioning festival as an event associated with a day or a few days.

Then, we get into the practical ways of going about it, if you want to start trying this.

We examine the scope for reimagining along with our traditions as well!

And of course, we would like to hear from you on what you have tried out or your ideas. Head over to our facebook page or twitter handle to share your ideas and experiences! Together we can arrive at a wonderful list of "Ideas for Reimagining festivals".

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