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Some challenges faced by older women at workplace

Writer's picture: KrishnaKrishna

Updated: Sep 19, 2021

#challenges #newindianwoman faces when she has #children or because the environment has mostly #men

In Part 1 we examined challenges faced by young Indian women at workplace. What about older women ? What kind of challenges do they face ? Does it vary based on their age or their childrens' age or their work profile ? When they get more senior, does the gender matter ? Do you think there are women specific challenges in our cities in large organisations that talk about having women friendly policies ?

Are there ways to address some of the challenges ? Are there learnings that one can use in one's own context ? Listen on ..

We speak to 3 women from different profiles - one from a Finance background, another an Assistant Professor in an Engineering College and a senior manager from IT background working in a large Multi National Company(MNC).

These are women with children in different age groups. They talk about the very specific challenges they face - something that may impact ones career or something that may impact one's day to day life - the range is enormous.

Apart from just the challenges, they talk about how they faced these challenges.

You, the listener, would be able to relate to these and may even want to share the challenges you have faced or you are currently facing. Or, you may have responded to these or other challenges in a different way. Please reach out to us to share, to exchange ideas.

This is part 2 of a series exploring the challenges women face. Regardless of your age and profile, you will find either new information or you may relate to these challenges and get inputs on how to address them.

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